In Memory of Naveed Sobhan

Source: The Hartford Courant

(April 25, 1958 - May 11, 2017)

On May 11th, as a result of complications following a fairly routine surgical procedure, the Hartford Community Loan Fund unexpectedly and tragically lost a member of our family, Naveed Sobhan. 

Most of us spend so many of our waking hours at our jobs that it would seem a shame to dislike our work, or those with whom we work.  I loved working with Naveed, in part because it was so apparent that he enjoyed his role on our team here, and his unflagging optimism and selfless spirit were infectious.  Naveed was HCLF’s Director of Lending since 2010.  I can honestly and easily state that in my 30 years of both corporate and not-for-profit lending, I’ve never worked with someone who was as creative and competent and compassionate as was Naveed. 

The day after he died, I called a northend neighbor and one of Naveed’s longtime borrowers to tell him the tragic news.  After an exclamation of disbelief, followed by a stunned moment of silence, he  responded, “Naveed was a true angel of God to our city.” 

None of us in the Hartford Community Loan Fund family would disagree.  

Rex Fowler

Chief Executive Officer

Hartford Community Loan Fund

Cards to Naveed’s wife, Rumana, and son Kamran may be sent through the Loan Fund offices at 215 Garden Street, Hartford, CT 06105.  We’ll make sure the family receives the cards promptly. The family has asked that memorial gifts be made to the American Heart Association.

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